PeterD Duels Wallah here.
My list of Side Duels has been expanded and possibly completed. See the details below We have 9 Side Duels underway, including the Skulls duel adjudicated by Barks, and an impressive list of Duellists.
As Miles will quickly point out, errors and omissions are no one's fault but mine. Send me a note and I'll update the list of participants, conditions and criteria and prizes etc.
SD1 (Moose and ) Squirrel Duel

Gain one point for working on a new project. To count as a squirrel you must have at least 25 points in a project or faction. I will arbitrate as I see fit where a proposed squirrel appears too close to a previously enumerated squirrel. I will also add a maximum of one bonus squirrel point for any participant painting at least one Moose (no additional points for multi-Meese entrants).
No prize has been discussed, but I suggest that a figure to match one of the winner's squirrel projects would be appropriate.
SD2 30K Heresies

Points based, any scale and faction. I will adjudicate it on total points, unless given a handicapping system as was discussed previously.
Barks |
Curt |
GeoffT |
MartijnN |
MikeW |
PeteF |
RobH |
SD2 30K Heresies

Points based, any scale and faction. I will adjudicate it on total points, unless given a handicapping system as was discussed previously.
Prize appears to be a 30K figure for the winner, or possibly every loser needs to get a tattoo of the insignia of the winner's favourite legion.
SD3 Skulls

Scoring is pure head count (pun intended). This one will be adjudicated by Barks.
Curt |
DavidB |
GregB |
PeterA |
SanderS |
SD3 Skulls

Scoring is pure head count (pun intended). This one will be adjudicated by Barks.
As I understand it, the losers traditionally donate their cranium cases to be used by the winner to clean his or her paint brushes.
Barks |
Curt |
DavidB |
GregB |
MikeW |
PeteF |
PeterD |
ThomasL |
SD4 Mech Madness

I think that this will be based on points and include any futuristic Rompy-Stompy Robot-thingy. I have received no clarification on what exactly counts as a Mech so will make stuff up as I go along.
No prize listed - possibly a Mech for the winner?
SD5 WW2 Duel
No prizes have been discussed. Can (pun intended) I suggest that losers contribute cans (or virtual cans) to the winner's local food bank?
SD8 Retreat from Moscow
This is a LeeH vs RayR Mano-a-mano duel and is based on pure points and should be linked to a joint project.
Curt |
DaniHG |
DavidB |
SanderS |
TomC |
SD5 WW2 Duel
Again no prize indicated. Possibly winner seats up a WW2 Zoom game, or losers donate a figure/base to the winner.
SD6 Napoleonics

Pure points counts, any scale. I will rule that anything from 1793-1815 counts as long as they are based in Europe or from Boney's time in Egypt and Syria. No War of 1812 or Wellington in India.
DavidB |
MattW |
Millsy |
SD6 Napoleonics

Pure points counts, any scale. I will rule that anything from 1793-1815 counts as long as they are based in Europe or from Boney's time in Egypt and Syria. No War of 1812 or Wellington in India.
EdwardG |
LeeH |
MattW |
PeteF |
RayR |
No prize discussed other than bragging rights. Perhaps the first and largest since of the plum pudding? A figure or base? A zoom game?
SD7 Can Opener

Pure points count, including anything armoured enough to need a tool to crack it open. Armoured dudes and horses, AFVs and armoured ships all count. For clarity the armour needs to be metallic, so no linthothoraxes or cottonclads here. Heavy cavalry on unarmoured steeds count only the riders.

Pure points count, including anything armoured enough to need a tool to crack it open. Armoured dudes and horses, AFVs and armoured ships all count. For clarity the armour needs to be metallic, so no linthothoraxes or cottonclads here. Heavy cavalry on unarmoured steeds count only the riders.
Barks |
Curt |
KerryT |
MattW |
NickY |
RobH |
SD8 Retreat from Moscow

This is a LeeH vs RayR Mano-a-mano duel and is based on pure points and should be linked to a joint project.
Winner gets an all expenses trip (paid by himself) to visit Regina in February to get the immersive retreat experience.
SD9 Colonial Wars
This one is pure points based. Any scale counts, but must be an 19th century war colonial war. I'll count the Spanish American War for clarity, but with roles reversed a bit.
DaveD |
RobH |
Winner gets a chunk of swamp land and a sugar island in the lesser Antilles?
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